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How Much Imagery Do You Use?

Today, while preparing to teach I over heard students talking… Student 1: “You do the ‘windshield wiper and go around the world, then you row the boat and then comes the zombie.” Student 2: “When do you do the ‘squirrel on the tree’?” ______________________________________________________________________________________ When I was a student teacher, I asked one of my […]

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Bridge Healing Arts with Martial Arts

Within the martial arts community how do we explore and engage what is called the “healing arts” – Consider whether the healing art form has a direct connection to the martial arts. For example – flower arrangement as a meditative practice promoting presence and finding balance in nature and as such has been practiced in […]

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Earth Generates Metal

We are leaving the element phase of Earth (late summer) and entering Metal (autumn). The emotion you may find coming up is grief as we begin to contract inward for the winter. It is important to nourish yourself in healthy ways and offer a nurturing spirit to others – In the 5 phases, Earth (nurturing) […]

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Teaching Chi Kung (Qigong)

Chi Kung (Qigong) is not an easy practice to teach. It has many characteristics. So at the Peaceful Dragon School the constant is the Wild Goose form. Because Chi Kung is a broad subject I “emphasize” a different aspect each day; i.e. Monday mornings – meditation, Tuesdays – medical, Thursdays – body/self-acupressure and shorter exercise […]

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Winter Spirit

Winter Spirit By Wasentha Young What are the energetic qualities and characteristics of Winter and how can you align, in harmony, with the spirit of this season? The season of winter – a yin force – requires us to go inward. In traditional Chinese medicine it is associated with the Water element; it’s related organ systems […]

Liberating the Emotion of Fear Exercise

Winter is the time when all moves inward (Yin). The element is Water; the organs that correspond to this phase are the Kidneys and Bladder; the emotion is fear. When out of balance you may find yourself less able to access your inner wisdom. Connect with the joy in your life to liberate the contraction […]

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Yin Yang of it All – Part 2

Within both tai chi and chi kung there is an interplay of the mindful and the mindless. One cannot be totally mindful and we all know where being totally mindlessness can lead. Mindfulness is mechanics based; coordination, foundation, specificity in timing, intention, focus, letting go and force. Mindlessness is more of a flow, momentum, spacious […]

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