Connecting With Your Totem Guide
Connecting With Your Totem Guide
Thursdays: May 27, June 3, 10 @ 7-9 pm ET
Taught by Wasentha Young
The term totem is derived from the North American Ojibwa language. But, belief in guardian spirits is also common to a number of cultures worldwide.
A totem can take the form of animal or entity (i.e. dragon, phoenix, beetle) spirit and acts as your guardian and/or protector. It watches over and helps guide you in a way that supports your heart and authentic being. During these sessions Wasentha will help you journey inward to find or reconnect with your totem. With her guidance you will go through a process of integrating and embodying your totem. You will meditate, create art, write and create your Totem Dance. (This workshop does not require previous experience).