Springing Along
In-person, Live-Streaming, and Outdoors
Spring/Summer Classes – May 3 – July 29
Good news this semester the Peaceful Dragon School is creatively integrating Zoom, indoor, and outdoor sessions into the program.
We are beginning to see light at the end of this long tunnel.
Ongoing classes: You can register from out-of-state and attend regularly scheduled classes, because we are still Zoomin’ away. Local students have a choice to attend on-site or not, because we will be simultaneously ZOOMING.
Practice sessions: Practices will be held on Saturdays, 10-11 AM. These sessions will meet outdoors.
So, there you have it, we get the best of all worlds available as we connect in the common goal of self-care.
Be safe and continue to practice distancing and good hygiene!
Master Young